Not many companies can say they exist only to simplify the lives of doctors. We can.
Complementing our expertise in the healthcare industry is our web and software development services that include solutions integration and offshore IT outsourcing. Our focus is to work with healthcare organizations to build IT infrastructure that simplifies their work processes, and integrates with their day-to-day operations. We are always on the lookout for newer ways to improve the delivery of healthcare services because there is seldom only one way to get there. Our application development services include the development of new applications, new features, add-ons, application enhancements, interfaces, and upgrades for existing and emerging business operations.

To this end, our team is well-versed with working on

ASP, ASP.NET, VB, VB.NET, Java, JSP, PHP, C, C++, C#

Client - Server Based Applications

Applications based on Distributed Architecture

XML-Based Applications

Database systems: Oracle,Microsoft sql server,MySql,Postgre Sql